Plants as urban citizens: exploring possibilities for more-than-human flourishing in a metropolis (PLAURCI)

Anna Zadrożna

Anna Zadrożna

Principal Investigator

Anna Zadrożna is a socio-cultural anthropologist (Ph.D. University of Oslo, 2021) and an environmentalist (M.Eng, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 2009) a 2023/25 MSCA Polonez Bis 3 Fellow at the University of Gdańsk, where she focuses on plants in urban space. A graduate of the University of Warsaw (BA in Ethnology) and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (M.Eng., Environmental Protection), Anna held post-doctoral fellowships at the Istanbul Policy Center (Sabancı University) and at the Center for Migration Research (Koç University), where she explored, successively, green spaces management and the relationship between urbanization, migration, and human-plants relations. Her research interests include more-than-human ethnographies, political anthropology, migration, Macedonia, and Turkey

Agata Pelska

Agata Pelska

Research Fellow

Agata Pelska is a graduate student in Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) and holds a BA in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Łódź. Her research interests revolve around more-than-human anthropology, anthropology of food, and human-plants relations, with a particular interest in more-than-human approach methodology. She has been investigating freeganism, guerilla gardening, and other urban phenomena in Polish cities and published her first texts available in open access:

Bartłomiej Puch

Bartłomiej Puch

Research Fellow

Bartłomiej Puch is a socio-cultural anthropologist (MA in Ethnology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) and visual artist (BA, Abakanowicz University in Poznań). His research interests include environmental anthropology, political ecology, discard studies, anthropology of space, and artistic research. He is a Member of the Polish Ethnological Society – Environmental Anthropology and Multispecies Ethnography section.His work can be accessed at

Cyprian Ogierman

Research Assistant

Cyprian Ogierman is an undergraduate student in anthropology at the University of Gdańsk, formerly a president of Studenckie Koło Naukowe Etnologów in the academic year 2022/23. Their main research interests evolve around more-than-human relations, modern post-industrial societies and spaces, urban anthropology, Silesia, and post-migrational areas of Poland.


Robert Dettlaff

Robert Dettlaff


Robert Dettlaff (human in the photo) is a master’s degree student in
anthropology (University of Gdańsk). He is currently working on a
collection of photographs by Boris Malkin and collections of
ethnographic objects of indigenous peoples of South America. His
research interests include multispecies ethnography, human-nonhuman
relations, anthropology during the Anthropocene, and environmental
politics. He has co-organized events such as Night of Museums with the
University of Gdansk Museum.

Michał Depczyński

Michał Depczyński

Research Fellow

Michał Depczyński is currently a student of Biology specializing in Environmental Biology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Gdańsk. His academic and professional interests predominantly lie in the field of botany, with a special focus on invasive, meadow, and wetland species, as well as the ecology of meadows and wetlands. He has actively participated in several scientific conferences and has been involved in research projects in the Białowieża Forest. Additionally, he has contributed to the Herbarium Pomeranicum project and served as the president of the Scientific Student Botanical Club “Zioło” at the Faculty of Biology, UG. Beyond his academic pursuits, he has a keen interest in herbalism, growing orchids, and specialty coffee.

Zofia Wrosz

Zofia Wrosz

Research Fellow

Zofia Wrosz is an undergraduate student in Biology at the University of Gdańsk. She serves as the chairwoman of the Scientific Student Botanical Club ” Littorella” operating in the Department of Plant Ecology. She is an active participant in the academic community, taking part in conferences, with a particular interest in human impact on the environment, botany, lichenology, and hydrobiology. From a young age, she eagerly participated in volunteering at nature reserves, working towards active environmental protection in valuable natural areas. She is a certified inspector for dendrological supervision in investment processes.

Tarzycjusz Buliński

The Project Mentor

Dr.hab. Tarzycjusz Buliński is an ethnologist and cultural anthropologist, professor at the Institute of Anthropology, and vice-dean of the Faculty of History at the University of Gdańsk. He is the
scientific secretary of the Presidium of the Committee of Ethnological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the chairman of the Scientific Discipline Council – Cultural and Religious Sciences of the University of Gdańsk. Previously, he worked as an assistant professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Faculty of History of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. His scholarly interests include anthropology of schooling in Amazonia, cultural childhood studies, and relationships between culture and education. Author of over seventy scientific publications, including two monographs, editor of six collective volumes, Buliński is also the editor-in-chief of a scientific journal: „Etnografia. Praktyki, Teorie, Doświadczenia” (Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences). He has supervised three doctoral thesis and numerous master dissertations.

Anna Lachowska

Anna Lachowska

Administrative Assistant

Anna Lachowska, MA in Political Science, completed five-year full-time studies at the University of Gdańsk. An employee of the University of Gdańsk for 14 years, currently as an Assistant to the Dean of the Faculty of History and additionally as a faculty coordinator for projects.